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Wednesday 4th of June
Policy & Practice
07:00 - 08:30 Breakfast
08:30 - 09:00 European Commission - TBA
09:00 - 09:30 Arie Trouwborst - The shifting legal landscape for wolf
conservation in Europe
09:30 - 10:00 Ilka Reinhart - TBA
10:00 - 10:30 Break
*Please note that this program
is subject to change.
Last updated: 12-02-2025
10:30 - 12:00 Parallel Presentations & Sessions
Wolves and co-existence
Lessons from monitoring
Wolf management
Session: how to deal with politics, social media and misinformation
10:30 - 10:50
Maria Granados
Towards Coexistence: Mapping costs and benefits associated with living with wolves in Spain.
Carmela Musto
“The Italian wolf network”: presenting a model for a multidisciplinary operational network for the systematic processing of wolf samples.
Robert Ekblom
Probably the best wolf monitoring in the world.
Giorgia Ausilio
Effects of helicopter captures on wolf movements and behaviour.
10:50 - 11:10
Catharina Steyer
Establishing favourable reference values under the Habitats Directive for the wolf in Germany.
Marco Apollonio
Wolves in Italy: insights for a European scenario.
Daniel Mallwitz
How to (legally) kill a wolf in Sweden.
Jeremy Sunder Raj
Factors impacting collar malfunction and collar chewing behavior in gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park.
11:10 - 11:30
Sarah Marshall
The (Italian) Urban Wolf Project: a multidisciplinary approach exploring the effect of the anthropogenic environment on wolves’ behavioral, hormonal, health-related and genetic profile.
Tomaž Skrbinšek
Towards transboundary genetic monitoring of wolves: an online platform for harmonization and sharing of wolf genetic monitoring data across countries and laboratories.
Juan Pablo Ramirez
The effect of legal status on wolf population dynamics.
Maeve Rogers
A new perspective: The advantages and disadvantages of using GPS camera collars to study gray wolves.
11:30 - 11:50
Charlotte Lorand
Close encounters with wolves: who's tiptoeing around whom?
Josip Kusak
Chasing tail - 30 years of wolf management in Croatia.
Rudy Brogi
Reporting of wolf sightings: a window into the spatiotemporal distribution of people’s concerns?
Loredana McCurdy
Drones as a Potential Hazing Tool to Reduce Livestock Depredation by Wolves.
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 15:00 Parallel Presentations & Movies
Bold wolves
Wolf politics
Conflict management
13:00 - 13:20
Salvador Lyngdoh
Wolves and Communities: Co-existence and Conflict in Trans-Himalayas.
Julia Kamp
The lethal removal of two bold wolves in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, as part of management guidelines.
Martin Janovsky
First steps on the long road to find out if and how sheep farming on Tyrolean mountain pastures in Austria could adapt to the increasing presence of wolves.
Stefano Filacorda
Predation of wolves on domestic pet dogs: a new frontier of the humans and wolves relationship in North-East Italy.
13:20 - 13:40
Mari Tikkunen
Johanna Fritz
Benjamin Kostner
LIFE BOREALWOLF project mitigates farmers’ concerns about wolves.
Coming (too) close? The behaviour of one individual wolf requires carefully considered action.
Shepherds at the Crossroads: Integrating Herd Protection and Landscape Management in South Tyrol.
13:40 - 14:00
Carlos Javier Durá Alemañ
Land of wolves, school of shepherds: the importance of pastoral knowledge on coexistence with the wolf in Spain and Italy.
Ariana Cerreta
Is harvest creating a new wolf? Wolf behavior, sociality, and genomics.
Robin Rigg
Evaluating 50 years of wolf protection in Slovakia.
14:00 - 14:20
Niels Gilissen
Wolves: the uninvited guests - A nature conservation NGO facing the return of a large predator.
Taylor Rabe
Loving Wolves to Death: Yellowstone Wolf Habituation.
Maria Falkevik
Transboundary cooperation on carnivore management and wildlife crime in Fennoscandia and southern Africa – challenges and opportunities.
Oksana Grente
Spatio-temporal dynamics of attacks around deaths of wolves: A statistical assessment of lethal control efficiency in France.
14:20 - 14:40
Fabien Quétier
Wildlife-smart communities as novel local governance models for coexistence with carnivores in Europe.
Temple Stoellinger
Challenges and Opportunities in Delisting Carnivores: A Comparative Study of Gray Wolves in the US and EU.
Wojciech Åšmietana
The Impact of Parental Loss on the Fate of Wolf Family Groups – Implications for Species Conservation and Population Management.
14:40 - 15:00
Koen Driesen
Wolf policy in a densely populated region of Flanders.
Mari Tikkunen
Wolves perceive hunting dogs in their territory as rivals.
Eric Odell
Petter Wabakken
Voter Directed Wolf Restoration to Colorado, USA.: A synopsis of the process to restore wolves and the status of gray wolves in Colorado.
Wolves on the Scandinavian Peninsula: crossborder directional and long-range dispersals as the main depredation challenges.
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:30 Parallel Workshops
Ross Hinter & Hans van Eijden
How to catch wolves
Astrid Vik Stronen
Wolf-dog hybridization in Europe: definition and assessment.
Peter Schütte
Construction, electrification & grounding of permanent wolf-deterrent wire fencing for sheep, cattle and horses.
Katrina Masden & Valeria Salvatori
EU and regional large carnivore platforms: what we've learned so far and future application.
Mathilde Klaasse, Glenn Lelieveld and Vera Eijsink
How to talk with press
Erik den Boer
How to vlog while doing research
17:30 - 19:30
Poster Session
Poster contest and game
Katrina Marsden
EU Large Carnivore Platform: Youth workshop – understanding viewpoints
19:30 - 21:30
21:30 - 22:00
22:00 - 01:00
Evening Activity
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