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Wolves Across Borders aims to facilitate open conversation and knowledge exchange among nations with wolf
populations, connecting researchers, managers, non-profits, policymakers, and stakeholders. Our goal is to enhance understanding of wolves in our landscapes and foster dialogue between all involved parties.


We are looking for sponsors who share our mission and want to support the organisation of Wolves Across Borders 2025. Contact us: for information about sponsor packages.


Sponsor a scientist

We are raising money to help support researchers and students from developing nations attend the Wolves Across Borders Conference 2025. This confernce is held in The Netherlands in June 2025, and is an international conference focusing on wolf ecology and management. As we all know, travel is expensive, and travel costs and conference fees can be prohibitive. We are hoping to provide as much relief for conference costs as possible.


The money will be donated to Our World of Wildlife Inc, a US 501c3 non-profit run by Aimee Tallian, which focuses on nature conservation and education. ALL proceeds from this Go Fund Me will go towards travel grants for researchers and students hoping to attend WAB.

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